Saturday, 7 November 2009


We wiz over in North Germany the other week, compers hold yir water, I didn't take any comp pictures. Shleswig Holstein, nobodies been there anyway and you're not going either. I just happen to have a friend near Flensburg, on the Baltic coast, it's a short story but I'm still not telling you. Whilst there, we visited a couple of family owned apple juice, pressing operations. Both owners were clearly very proud of their well established, high tech, factories and very kindly gave us the full tour and answered all our cheeky questions.For fruit they depended entirely on people's appleziz brought in from their own gardens and whatnot and in return the bringerinners got money or discounted juice. We've started a similar system for apples at the winery here, taking in a variety of apples from all over the countryland, pressing it, bottling some as 'Carse o Gowrie' apple juice and turning the rest into cider and wine. Sgood. If you hiv any spare apples next year. gies a shout.
There is a phenomenal wave of interest in apples and orchards all over Europe at the moment, he said possibly exaggerating, I dont know why? but I myself have been infected by this groundswelling current of grassroots interest to a point of mixing metaphors in combinations erstwhile considered beyond the pale. Many a walled garden i have strolled, apples bitten. The apple of all fruit has attained the paramount 'symbol of health' status; Once it used to keep the dentist away now tis the doctor, maybe one day the taxman, who knows. What the apple is to health the banana is to fitness, I'm sorry half time orange,too sour sometimes. Witness the spectacle of banana skins perched on hilltops and cliff edges, little practical jokes left behind by the incurably fit, the spoor of the orienteer.
The new improved Berry Xmas is out now as is the Mulled Elderberry, (much better for you than apples methinks)
Incidently I've discovered the Mutiny is at its best with food, beef in particular and the 'Cheery Currant' is great with cheese noatcakes.

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